PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana: Beware of This Scam

There is no scheme launched by the Indian government under the name ‘Pradhan Mantri Ramban Suraksha Yojana.” Ignore the message stating that you’re entitled to receive benefits under the scam scheme known as ‘PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana’ because you could become a victim of identity theft while your mobile phone number could fall into the hands of criminals. 

The Indian government’s official press and media channel ‘Press Information Bureau’ has clearly stated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Indian government have not launched any new scheme under this name, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The press release issued by PIB also cautions people against responding to such messages.

Furthermore, if you’ve got such a message saying that you’re entitled to cash benefits under the ‘Pradhan Mantri Ramban Suraksha Yojana’, the best thing to do is ignore the message and not relay it further to your relatives and friends. That’s because the cyber police in various states are on the alert to detect who is sending such fraud messages and hope to arrest these criminals soon. Therefore, if you’re found forwarding or sending such messages about the non-existent scheme called ‘PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana’, you could land in serious legal trouble under India’s cyber laws.

I’m writing this article to help you to understand the scam and prevent you from becoming its victim. And you can also help your relatives and friends by preventing them from falling prey to fraud.

Understanding the PM Ramban Yojana Scam

In recent weeks, there’re certain messages that are making rounds on social media, especially over the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp. These messages claim that the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi has launched a new scheme called “Pradhan Mantri Ramban Suraksha Yojana”.

In Hindi, the term “Ramban” means, Arrow of Lord Rama, the Hindu deity. The term ‘Ramban’ is also used vaguely in colloquial Hindi to describe a panacea or remedy to any illness. Hence, the word ‘Ramban’ is very popular in India.

There’re three different versions of the scam. In this article, I will expose all three variants so that you’re better protected against the scam and can also help your relatives and friends to stay safe.

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Three Versions of the PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana Scam

If you’ve got a message about the PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana, it would be most likely through WhatsApp. That’s because WhatsApp is the most favorite social media messaging app that’s popular in India.

To begin with, the PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana is primarily targeting all Indians on WhatsApp because people that receive the message usually pass it on to others, hoping they too can benefit. However, there’re no benefits since the scheme itself doesn’t exist and is a scam.

Rs.4,000 Payment for Youth

The first variant of the scam message promises that each youth over the age of 18 years will receive a grant of Rs.4,000 for the treatment of Covid-19. The message primarily targets young women and men that’s aged between 18 years and 28 years.

According to the message, youth have to register at the official website of the PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana to receive the benefits. However, the website doesn’t exist. The Indian government has no website for any such scheme. It may be noted that the Indian government successfully operates the website for Covid-19 vaccinations and all other schemes that it launches.

Therefore, do not waste your time in trying to find the website because there is none. However, if you search for the scheme, you will come across several news websites that also verify that there is nothing called ‘PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana’ and that the scheme is a prank or fraud.

Rs. 4,000 Payment for All

The second variant of the scheme says that everyone who has suffered from Covid-19 disease and recovered can avail of a subsidy of Rs.4,000 from the Central government towards their medical treatment. This scheme is also a sham and there’s no such official scheme from the Indian government.

Again, the WhatsApp message asks people to register on the special website of the PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana to avail of the subsidy by giving their details such as Aadhar card number or any other photo ID number.

I will repeat that there is no official website for the scheme because it doesn’t exist and the Central government has time and again clarified that there is no such scheme.

Free Registration for PM Ramban Suraksha Yojana

Online research by this writer also revealed that some persons could have received WhatsApp messages from unknown senders offering them free registration for the Pradhan Mantri Ramban Suraksha Yojana.

Such WhatsApp messages allegedly ask the receiver to respond by sending them photos of Aadhar card, driving license, or any other photo ID and address proof to the number for free registration. The message also asks the receiver to mention their bank account number where they would like to get the Rs.4,000 subsidy from the Indian government for Covid-19 treatment.

Needless to say, such messages are also part of the scam. However, if you do send your Aadhar card number and bank account details, you could become the unwitting victim of some fraud that’s being carried out under the name of the Indian government. Time and again, the Indian government and the Press Information Bureau have alerted residents of India that there’s no such scheme. 

In Conclusion

After going through various news reports and statements from the Press Information Bureau, it is very clear that there is no such scheme known as Pradhan Mantri Rambam Suraksha Yojana. Nor is there any declaration from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) or any other official government department that such a scheme would ever be launched in India. All these facts point out only one thing. That this fictitious scheme is either a prank that someone has started or is an elaborate scam being run by fraudsters who wish to get hold of your personal details such as Aadhar card number and bank details.

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